Thursday, May 8, 2008

I was tagged by Mary.
7 Random Fact About Me.
When I was younger I had romantic thoughts of living in the mountains with my burley husband and 10 kids. We would live in an enchanted cottage where a flourishing garden would grow with sweet vegetables all lined up and trees covered with juicy fruit would be within arms reach for hungry bellies. Beautiful forest trees and shrubberies would house magical woodland creatures who would protect us from wicked witches and evil wizards. I would wear an apron, and bake, cook and sew and occasionally when the time would allow, I would paint aside the stream like Monet. The little boys would wear leider hosens (sp?) and the little girls would wear smocks with full skirts and bows in their hair. My husband would chop wood and bring home fresh fish and game for us to roast, and then he would romance me by the twilight of the moon. Fast forward to 2008, and minus the wood chopping and leider hosens we are living a life equally as fantastic to this childhood dream, and I am content.
I can put floss up my nose and out my mouth. I first discovered this talent during a dinner of spaghetti with my roomate Sam in college. Us crazy kids!
Instead of cussing, my go-to word in a pinch is "China!" When I almost hit a car I say "China!" When I drop a plate I say "China!" I'm not sure where this originated from, but I figure it's better than my kids hearing me say other colorful explatives. Sometimes I mix it up a bit and say "China Doll!"
I have never been one to have big hang ups over my body. I complain about chubbiness as every woman does, but my body image has never consumed me. I do however have certain things that if given the opportunity I would change. My "Indian Corn" teeth for example need a little attention.
I love candy, hence the indian corn teeth. I don't have to be eating it around the clock, but every now and then I need a little nibble, it's part of my chemistry, it keeps my neurons in balance:)
I grind my teeth, but I don't realize I'm doing it until the headache comes on- it's usually in my sleep. This is my bodies way of releasing stress I guess.
Oceans freak me out. I love the beach and I don't mind swimming close to shore, and I also don't mind being in boats, but if you were to drop me in the middle of the Pacific and leave me to doggie paddle I would be totally creeped out. It's just so big and deep and dark and mysterious. I'm afraid of whats going to come up and get me. How did Jonah do it?


Mary Denton Taylor said...

I might have to try "China" sometime. :) And I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to the ocean! Thank you so much for humoring me with the tag. It's not really my favorite thing to do so I hope I didn't put you out. Guess we'll see you soon.

Holly said...

I love it! The candy, Indian corn teeth, teeth grinding, ocean and funny alternative words (Helen Keller or Sugar are my choice words)are 100% me. I can see why we are friends...
You always make me laugh!

Andrea said...

Spaghetti through your nose and out your mouth?! That's amazing and slightly freaky.