Monday, January 14, 2008

Lately I’ve been pondering over why the world was created the way it is. We are inundated with stories of heartache caused by crime, hunger, child abuse, sickness, wrestles with identity and self worth, just to name a few. I put a lot of faith in God, and trust the way things are. But sometimes, when I look at the negative sides of life, I think of the ways I would do things differently were I to create my own world. Would I choose to include so many woes?

As I was struggling with this concept of good verses bad I finished reading The Giver. Wow, my quiet prayers and questions were answered with this simple book. You could seriously read it in a day. It made me realize how much more beautiful life is with pain in it- and because we have the chance to choose our destiny, life is an open ended story that is ours to write. The hardest thing to grasp is the fact that some are not given the chance to write their own story. For instance, last year I read a book called- Left to Tell. In Africa just a few years ago hundreds of mothers, fathers, and children were murdered in a similar holocaust to that of Europe’s. Killing is still going on today, and after reading the disturbing account of these events, I know I must have faith that Heavenly Father gives those slain a chance and special blessing for living a selfless life and dying at the hand of evil.

Reading this book has made me think a lot of the world I want to live in. Life really is good, and those of us with blessed lives are given this gift not to just sit in our comfortable bubbles, but to reach out and help others. I recommend reading The Giver to anyone who is struggling with their own trials or just life in general. It also makes you grateful for the Atonement and the chance we have to share our burdens with our Savior and become whole again when we make mistakes.


katie and co. said...

You are a beauty queen! I have never read the Giver but now I'm going to thanks to your post. Love you!

shauna said...

What a beautiful post and a beautiful picture! I love that book. I found your blog from a comment you left on Katie's... I am so happy to remember you and your awesomeness! What a fun family you have. I hope you don't mind if I am a reader of your blog. I will send you an invite to mine if you'd like. Just send your email to
Love, Shauna (Fitzgerald)

Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

ican't wait to read that book. i want to get my book club to read it.I love that pic of you, youve always been a beautiful rockstar! love ya

Rachel said...

Have I told you lately how wonderful of a sister you are. I Love You. You looks so beautiful in that picture. Is that your new hair?

Dad said...

Sara, I loved what you just wrote- you are an amazing young lady, mother, and daughter of God. Thanks for letting us into your world of thoughts, things, and obijah! Love you so much!