I made applique onesies and bibs for little Hazel,
and Sadie made adorable burp cloths.
The cute mama all tuckered out with Aunt Berta.
Posted by Sara 12 comments
Posted by Sara 8 comments
Posted by Sara 5 comments
seeing Jessie, Emily, & Lilybugs
taking in the latest Idaho hairstyles (woo baby)
gigantor horses, fluffy sheep and plump rabbits
eating corndogs, curly fries, and a gyro
Addy buying Ollie a spiderman fingerpuppet
watching the little girl rock out on stage to black sabbath in her pleather pants
free parking
fighting crowds of insurmountable measure
not getting to try a deep fried candybar
lower pubic bone pressure from the baby while walking
not being able to see the pigs
accidentally clocking Addy's mug
driving to Costco another 20min. only to find it's closed
yelling at naughty whining kids in the car
Posted by Sara 4 comments
Posted by Sara 6 comments
(next time, she'll teach us salsa verde & enchilada's)
Posted by Sara 9 comments