Heavens to Betsy Ross, it's been since July last year that I've done a "fivesensefriday"... I almost forgot how to do it. Feel free to join with me on your blog on Fridays to explore your five senses... for all two of you that read this blog... and then tell me about it so I can check it out:)
St. Patricks Day left-overs for lunch
I scrounged up all the green things I could find in my kitchen for our special green dinner. Those naughty Leprechauns were sneaky and overturned the kitchen chairs and left green footprints on our counter. The king of the Leprechauns, Tade, proclaimed as he discovered this, "Dad is going to freak!"... it was pretty cute. The kids eventually found some treats left behind in the guest room, or "Nana and Pa's room".
Lemon Verbena Candle
from Target, it's my newest obsession.
completely CHANGED because of this post where Lisa of Almost Famous gives practical tips for cleaning...
It's like someone has finally given me permission to get rid of things. I had a major "Aha" moment when I read it, especially the "touch it once" rule and considering how much "energy" it takes to keep something. I've been cleaning for years, (or attempting to) and have been held back by certain obsessive compulsive tendencies. Now the trick will be to apply what I've learned... would you mind if I left a couple boxes of things at your place, just in case I need them in the future?
Also in line with this-
One of my all time favorite quotes by my mom when she asks what I'm doing and I tell her that I'm cleaning my house is she will always suggest that I "light a candle, and turn on some music"... works great until I'm too distracted by the music and I start to dance and forget what I'm doing.
Also in line with this-
My mom just stopped by, for reals, right as I'm typing this. My house is a capitol D for disaster. Is there anything worse than when someone surprises you with a visit and your house is trashed, when just the day before is was beautifully sparkling? I guess I don't know what that's like since there is always some corner of my house in disarray, but that is going to change. My mom was so gracious and acted like she didn't even notice the mess, but let's be honest, it's like trying not to notice that hobo sitting in that chair eating a slice of pizza... in his diaper.
photos by Garance Dore.
Originally an illustrator from Paris, she takes street photographs similiar to The Sartorialist, whom I think she is in a relationship with, isn't that romantic?
Mindy Gledhill Whole Wide World
Loooove her new video,
and super excited that she'll be in I.F. in May!